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How to Start Nail Art

Registration Period: June 23 - July 23


How to Start Nail Art

"Establishing Skills Through Assignments"

While it is important to complete the assignments themselves, the most crucial aspect is to be aware of what skills you are learning through these assignments. Each lesson focuses on different skills. Let's make sure to fully engage with the skills through the entire curriculum so that you can master what you have learned and use it proficiently on your own.

How to Join

You can check the registration method here.↑


※The videos in this online salon have English subtitles.

※All schedules will be broadcast in Japan Standard Time (JST).

Membership applications are open from June 23rd, and billing starts on June 30th.**

- Once you apply, if you see "Operation Starting Soon" in My Salon, your registration is complete. Please wait until June 30th, when content viewing becomes available.

- For questions about credit card payment dates, please contact your card issuer.

- This online salon is a limited-time salon running from June 28, 2024, to August 29, 2024. There is an additional one-month archive period after the distribution period ends.

- There is no set limit on the number of members. Applications are accepted until July 23.

- Regardless of when you join, the content viewing period ends on September 29, 2024.

- Please note that the start date may be changed or postponed due to unavoidable circumstances.

- If there is an error in the member’s payment information and the payment fails, the member will be forcibly withdrawn and may not be able to participate in the salon.

- All photos are for illustration purposes only. The composition and colors may differ during the broadcast.

About the Online Salon

Learn to hold the brush, draw lines, and draw faces

This time, we will start by learning the basics of holding the brush and handling various gels.
By progressing through the stages and assignments, you will solidify your skills and deepen your understanding.


You will gradually get used to art from DAY0 (preparation) to DAY10.**
- About 15 videos are planned for distribution.

By learning step-by-step from the basics, you will firmly acquire important aspects of creating art, such as:
- Switching perspectives
- Order of thinking
- Measurement methods

What you do is more important than what you draw.
When practicing, it's crucial to understand what techniques you are using and why you are practicing. Pay attention to details you usually don't notice and aim for skill improvement.


**6/30.7/1DAY0: Preparations / How to Hold the Brush**
⇒ Before we start drawing, we will review the basics. Let's make sure we're well-prepared.

**7/3 DAY1: How to Draw Straight and Curved Lines**
⇒ We'll draw lines using various materials. The key points to be careful about will vary depending on the characteristics of the gel, so let's learn them.

**DAY2: Combining Various Lines / Measuring**
⇒ We will combine what we practiced on DAY1 to draw tile patterns. We will also review how to shift our perspective when drawing detailed figures.

**DAY3: Coloring Evenly Without Streaks (Assignment: Goldfish)**
⇒ We will learn how to use a small brush. Practice applying color to small areas without excess or deficiency. This brush technique is crucial across all tasks.

**DAY4: Coloring Large Areas and Confirming Composition (Assignment: Scenery)**
⇒ We will create art over the entire nail. Approach the assignment while deciding which areas to draw in detail and which to leave out.

**DAY5: Mixing Colors / Adding Shadows (Assignment: Fruits)**
⇒ Let's draw multiple peaches while mixing colors. Add shadows with a focus on creating a three-dimensional effect.

**DAY6: Using Proportions / Understanding Objects by Their Surface (Assignment: Cat)**
⇒ We will take on a more complex task. Draw a cat using proportions. Practice coloring three-dimensionally while being mindful of surfaces.

**DAY7: Using Proportions / Drawing Complex Curves (Assignment: Wind God)**
⇒ We will tackle a task with human-like shapes. Draw while being conscious of 'strength and weakness' in your lines, not just drawing lines.

**DAY8: Understanding the Human Face by Its Surface (Assignment: Woman with a Parasol)**
⇒ We will draw a human face. Be mindful of color usage in backlighting and overall contrast.

**DAY9: Drawing a Human Profile**
⇒ Draw a human face using proportions. Measure carefully to ensure consistent quality. Learn the tips for drawing profiles.

**DAY10: Drawing a Human Profile**
⇒ Continuation of DAY9. Practice drawing fine and soft lines.

- Videos will be distributed 1-2 times a week.
- Backgrounds are not drawn on DAY9 and DAY10.

Support Content

**We have prepared two support contents this time.**

1. **Public Correction BOX**
   - Submit photos of your completed assignments given by the instructor. The instructor will draw on the photos and provide advice.

   **Recommended for:**
   - Asking questions about what you felt while drawing
   - Seeking advice to improve further
   - Showing your finished work

2. **Progress BOX**
   - Post the progress of your assignments. Participants can advise each other. Think of it as a practice chat room.

   **Recommended for:**
   - Showing your work in progress
   - When you don’t know how to proceed
   - When you need encouragement

Post photos when you get stuck! Participants can exchange information, and MARAZUL will also provide advice.

Recommended for

- Those who want to start art
- Those who want to improve their skills
- Those who want to be able to handle a wide range of art
- Art lovers
- Anyone can participate, whether self-taught or professional

(Some professional materials are used. You can substitute the materials used.)



本オンラインサロンは2024年09月29日 をもって終了することになりました。






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・ iOSアプリ上で支払い手続きをする場合サロネンのみ利用できます。 サロネンについては、こちらをご確認ください。

※ DMMポイント支払い、サロネン(iOSアプリ内課金)の場合は無料期間が適用されません。



I dropped out of a national university and worked at a nail salon for a year before starting my own business in the winter when I was 20.

The following year, I was approached by a gel manufacturer and began working mainly on nail services while also serving as an art director and demonstrator at various events such as BWJ, ANF, and EXPO. In June 2022, PRESTO released the colors developed by MARAZUL. Since 2024, I have been serving as the art director for the Korean gel manufacturer, bevlah.

This year marks the 10th year since I became engrossed in creating worlds on small canvases. I have come this far with the support of many people.

**Teaching Experience:**

- In-person seminars hosted by manufacturers

- Guest lecturer at schools both domestically and internationally

- DMM online salon 1, 2, 3 terms, and 3 revival sessions


- music.jp online salon

Additionally, I conduct my own seminars, most of which are fully booked. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has discovered MARAZUL.


2 Months Only

○ Membership Application Period: June 23 - August 8
○ Viewing Period: Until September 29


